call him what you will, but this boy loves his momma. he doesn't really know anything other.
and recently he has been getting so big and too smart.
he loves to play outside.
he can walk. really well.
he says: momma, dadda, nana, maymay[emily], no, mimi, ry-ry, bubba[wyatt], uh-oh!, bye bye, night night, papa & bites
he sleeps through the night.
open doors.
drinks from a straw.
drinks from a straw.
he's shy. exact opposite of emily.
he loves pizza and hot dogs. exact same as emily.
he has 2 teeth. they are white lines on his gums but they are teeth! i love this boy, coleman...more than words can express. we love watching you grow, play, learn, and develop. we feel more than blessed to have you in our lives. :)