Tuesday, April 26, 2011

this sweet boy

call him what you will, but this boy loves his momma. he doesn't really know anything other.
 and recently he has been getting so big and too smart.

he loves to play outside.
he can walk. really well.
he climb chairs, steps, ladders, ect.

he says: momma, dadda, nana, maymay[emily], no, mimi, ry-ry, bubba[wyatt], uh-oh!, bye bye, night night, papa & bites  
he sleeps through the night.
open doors.
drinks from a straw.
he's shy. exact opposite of emily.
he loves pizza and hot dogs. exact same as emily. 

he has 2 teeth. they are white lines on his gums but they are teeth! i love this boy, coleman...more than words can express. we love watching you grow, play, learn, and develop. we feel more than blessed to have you in our lives. :)

bunny hop

i love easter. just a reminder in case you forgot. ha! we've been very busy.
ok. extremely busy.

we planted with grandparents on tuesday.

enjoyed cupcakes and an egg hunt with mmo out on wednesday.

dyed eggs with mommy on thursday.

had a flashlight egg hunt on friday.

we finished saturday with an egg hunting and cooking out with great friends.

sunday, the easter bunny came and we......

 we ate breakfast at glenda's, went to sunday school & church, hunted eggs after church.

 we then enjoyed lunch, easter baskets, four wheeler rides, cousins laughing together, sprinkler play, big chocolate bunnies, baths, the last egg hunt, and naps at my parents.

lastly we met steven's parents  and grandmother at waffle house for some greasy food. followed by a visit to  their house for 4. yes 4 more easter baskets.

so to sum it up we were too busy. we had too much chocolate. and i'm exhausted! good thing i love this holiday huh? hope you all had a great weekend. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

good friday...

                                                                      Luke 24: 46-47
And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer,
and to rise from the dead the third day:
And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations,
beginning at Jerusalem.

today i praise jesus! he came to this wretched earth and lived a sinless life. only to die a horrible, painful death, so you and i could have eternal life. he paid it all just for you. and just for me. and only asks you to believe. i pray everyone knows the true meaning of this beautiful holiday.

picture from:http://www.dermeister.nl/P/P-C.html

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

5 little bunnies...

 i could just kiss these faces off. :)

i'm glad i got them done before easter. we are so blessed to live in the south where fields, green grass, and sunshine are endless. [or so it can seem] 
i hope you all have a wonderful easter.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

little bunny foo foo & fabulous 50.

i had every intention to take my kids easter pictures, but that hasn't happened. instead i took a picture of emily's dirty chucks... i will get them done before easter. maybe. we have been very busy this past week.
 we drove to dawsonville for a visit with the 'padad' friday night. dawsonville has a set of premium outlets. since we literally drive right by them, we had to stop. we made a quick visit to coach, kirklands, the play area, the children's place, and pottery barn. nothing purchased is conversation material . but the drive home, it's worth talking about. it was raining so. hard.  it was pretty scary. emily sang "the itsy bitsy spider" all the way to help comfort me, i assume. she is such a helper. 
saturday was way different than i planned. that happens a lot around here. steven was stranded in virginia. apparently that too happens. anyway i am more than thankful for katie.[check her out] she met us in town so our kids could enjoy some eggstravgansa parade action together. she also brought buckets for the candy. :)

the wind was horrible.

sorry for the poor picture quality. i forgot my camera at home so the iphone had to do.

after the parade we:
 ate at the kingdom [burger king] with our buddies, the pruitts.
we hit a yard sale.
aunt caroline cut my hair.
we visited the local antique mall. [can i just say i wanted 80% of their inventory?]
then we headed home to get ready for a birthday party to honor one of our favorite family members.

little did i know that the decals i had ordered to finish emily & coleman's easter buckets would be waiting for me [in the mail] when i arrived home. so i quickly assembled those...
and after a quick wash and clothes changing we headed to tammy's 50th birthday!

the party was awesome. the food. the cake. the presents. the company. everything. awesome. heather did a wonderful job.
 you couldn't tell by the way she acts but "tam" is actually emily and coleman's great aunt. she treats them more like grand kids. she loves them with her whole heart. and my kids love her with their whole heart. if i could be as:
accepting &
obedient to god
as tam  is i would be on the right track. [and that's just to name a few qualities i love about this woman]
to say the least she has lead a beautiful 50 years and we look forward to spending another 50 with her!

okay maybe i'll see you soon with some easter pictures. maybe not. who knows.