Friday, June 24, 2011

our pets

we would like to official introduce you to our fanimals... you know animals, that are family...

this is our hogan. he's 5 years old. we love him. he's excellent with e & c. he was our first child. he hates wearing animal clothes. he plays with his food. he sleeps in the bed. he's half wiener dog and half jack russell. he barks way too much! he doesn't seem to mind taking the back seat to the 2 minis running around. he loves when emily gives him treats. and pretty much just ignores coleman. god love this mutt. we sure do!

this is girl, yes girl. girl is new to our family. let me tell you the story:
my parents have a pond. my parents wanted gold fish/algae eaters/coi for this pond. 
we had 2 gold fish, phineas & ferb.
my parents took emily to the pet store to purchase their desired fish.
they left with girl.
we traded our "phennie & ferb" for "girl".
nice story that involved crying for a fish. the wrong #'s on a bag. lots of waiting in a walmart parking lot. me cleaning out a fish tank. and negotiating. alls well that ends well. right?
so this is girl. she swims. i feed her 2 pellets, 1 time a day. she has scales. she's a beta fish.

... so anyway that's our pets...

"boys will be boys...."

if i've heard this 1 time in the past few days i've heard it 100 times!

last wednesday i got up early to get all the house work done.
called and set up a play date at the park.
paid bills.
changed the kids clothes.
packed a picnic.
headed out the door.
came back home to get the phone i forgot.
then, we really headed to the park.

we got to the park.
i didn't take any pictures.
the kids were playing, swinging, grazing on snacks.
i was really enjoying my time talking to my friend bekah.

you see, coleman has "conquered" the play ground. we went twice a week during school.
he can go up the steps. he slides down the slide. walks around. he's pretty good at it!
well this day he grabbed a piece of pb&j and headed up the steps.
i'm not sure if it was the mouth full of sandwich or if speed played a factor.
non the less he fell. he didn't fall hard but, "he just fell right"
he lightly bumped. his mouth on the side of the step.
blood. went. everywhere. immediately.

*in the hospital before the stitches*

i will save you all the gory details. but a few seconds after the "bump",
we decided negmc would be next on the list of things to do that day.
my friend bekah took emily. thank god.
my mother in law graciously went with us to the hospital.
four...yes four stitches later we headed home...
coleman lost 1 stitch on thursday and by friday night he had lost 2 more.
he still has the one, and it is dissolvable.

he was a total trooper. i was a total basket case.
this "bump" will most likely leave a small scar on his lip but it will not be too noticeable.
one day he will probably love to tell people all about how he handled stitches at 15 months and how that was just the beginning.
lord help me.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

summer list

i first got this idea from here. last summer i sat down and made the list on a piece of note book paper and taped it to the fridge. every morning i read it and tried to find a way to squeeze something in that day! it was so fun. we accomplished most things on the list. so after memorial day 2011 when i realized i hadn't made my list, i went into panic mode, i quickly whipped out my "notes app" and typed away...
i will also tape another list to the fridge.

because i know you can't read all of that, :) here goes...

make homemade icecream
zoo                             outdoor movie
fisnish c's scrapbook                 library
camping                          swim at pool
swim at lake                  cars 2
park with friends               ride bikes
e haircut                         c haircut
fireworks                     write letters
catch lightning bugs           ball games in the yard
spray park                     fair
fish fry                     sprinklers
ride a horse                  sell cupcakes
clean basement              organize basement
go to "the farm"            mcdonalds' "play"
vbs                               beach
family pictures                          tubing
i hope we can accomplish all of those things! i'll keep you posted :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

fathers day.

happy fathers day to the best daddy my kids could ask for. thank you for working so hard for us. thank you for loving us. thank you for taking out the trash. thank you for juice & milk. thank you for cutting the grass. thank you for putting up with my crazy ocd. most of all thank you for loving us.
i'm so glad you had such an awesome example to lead you...

we are also grateful for pawpaw. he taught steven so much and took him to church. we love you ronald.

and definitely not least papoo.we love you and we love that you love us. you rock our socks off. hope you enjoyed the "rude" dinner at the varsity. happy fathers day.

not that too many of you probably care but, we celebrated father's day with ron saturday with burnt burgers and dogs. we than moved smoothly into sunday with muffins for steve, the kind with the crunches on top. our favorite. we went to church. came home ate lunch, and headed out the door. next we picked mom and todd up from the airport and quickly jumped to the varsity for dinner. it was a super busy and fun day. we love love love all the men in our lives and we are so lucky to have them.
happy fathers day!

Monday, June 13, 2011

busy. busy. busy.

we have been busy. it's summer people.
we've been: to the library. to the "kingdom".  to dinner with family. making desserts. playing outside. doing laundry. grilling. playing games on the phone. watering corn and sunflowers. water parking. chuck e. cheesin'. movie watching. making a summer list. baptising. missing our grandparents. water parking. learning to drive a vw. praising god daddy is back home. playing ball in the front yard. tractor/gator riding. steam mop using. growing too fast...
i know i've forgotten a few things we have done. sorry it's been 2 weeks.
we. have . just . been. busy.

see this picture above of c's feet? bless him. he was wearing robeez and stepped in water. can you guess what color the shoes are? geez.... we are enjoying our summer. the juice input and sweat output are at an all time high. we have made the best summer list and i'll be back soon to share. we are so glad steven is home to share the summer and our lives again. he has been working out of town and we praise god he is back home. god has been so faithful to take care of our family. teaching us daily to lean on him and to trust him. hope you are enjoying your summer. be back soon....