Wednesday, April 6, 2011

here comes petter cotton tail.

just wait.. every post about easter will have an easter song as the title! :)

easter is one of my favorite holidays for several reasons:
 1. my sweet jesus arose from the dead. how awesome. can you imagine being there. going to the grave. the stone rolled away. i bet it was amazing. i love that my savior is a promise keeper. that he has mighty powers. that he above all is the beginning and end. it's overwhelming the love he has for us. for me.
2. new outfits. need i say more? ha!
3. pedicures
4. egg hunts... last year we took part in about 5.
5. parades
6. it means spring is here!
7. and all the other fun festivities that are a part of this very fun holiday.

we began celebrating this weekend by going to see 'hop'. we only took e and went with another couple and their very cute little boy. [coleman had a very fun, 3 hour visit with his g'parents.]  we went to habersham hills cinema. we love that theatre. the easter bunny was there taking free photos with children. did i mention i love that theatre.

we finished the night with coleman, bubbles, hot dogs, banana pudding, playtime, laughs, and drinking sweet tea. i can't wait for easter egg hunts, easter clothes, and lots more.  


  1. I hope its ok for me to post here :-D thats great I think walmart is having pictures with the easter bunny but I'm not so sure about them (Cleveland that is) the ppl down here don't impress me with their picture taking skills we'll see if alyssa lets 'em near her for a picture then decide LOL. Do you go to the church the kids go to school at? They are having an easter egg hunt and I was wondering if its usually a good one? How do u usually dress the kids if they go? Sorry so long and these are really nice.

  2. thanks shanna... and no we don't attend CC. i've never been to the egg hunt either.but i would say you wear casual "wear" to the CC egg hunt. we go to our church's egg hunt we have 2[mt. pisgah baptist church], the cleveland 1, and a friends church. good luck and have a very happy easter
