Tuesday, May 31, 2011

i will follow you.

Where you go, I'll go
Where you stay, I'll stay
When you move, I'll move
I will follow...

All your ways are good
All your ways are sure
I will trust in you alone
Higher than my side
High above my life
I will trust in you alone

Where you go, I'll go
Where you stay, I'll stay
When you move, I'll move
I will follow you
Who you love, I'll love
How you serve I'll serve
If this life I lose, I will follow you
I will follow you

Light unto the world
Light unto my life
I will live for you alone
You're the one I seek
Knowing I will find
All I need in you alone, in you alone

In you there's life everlasting
In you there's freedom for my soul
In you there joy, unending joy
and I will follow

by far the hardest thing i've ever done in my christain walk is tell the lord:
 "your will not mine."
most of the time, the lord's will isn't santana's.
i heard this song on the way home from dropping steven off monday night and i couldn't help but  surrender to the lord. to feel so free. so honest. so impressed. it's hard to follow the lord. it isn't always easy but the reward is always worth the surrender.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

graduations. weddings. and a long week.

thursday night emily graduated from mmo 3's.
we've had the best year ever at our school.
we couldn't ask for a better teacher.
she's so kind, compassionate, friendly, caring, loving, and radiates the love of christ.
we love her to say the least.
and the directors & staff aren't too shabby either.
well, actually we love them too...
we followed graduation at "the pizza house" with some best friends.

then friday night emily was in a wedding...
she was beautiful.
she was super well behaved.
and we couldn't have been prouder of her.
brother was home with the stomach bug.
he wasn't going before, but sure couldn't go after the vomits started :(
he is still the cutest, sweetest, kindest, most loving,  & my  most favorite little boy e.v.e.r.
in case you are wondering the bride was beautiful and the groom just handsome.
we pray they keep god first, honor one another, and have a long happy marriage.
congratulations benson and "biranda"

lastly, is it only tuesday? what a long week! i've already had to mop this week and ive been washing 2 loads of clothes a day for a whole week now. thank goodness coleman, after 3 days, is over the stomach bug. hopefully he will sleep tonight. if not i'll hold him... all night... again... hopefully the rest of the week will fly by because for the long holiday weekend we are going camping!!!. 3 more days, 3 more days, 3 more days, 3 more days....

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

god gave me a complaining heart?

so i find myself complaining all. the. time.

nothing seems right. 
the smallest things makes me unhappy.
i find fault with most all things.
i thrive on someone doing me wrong.
it seems to have taken over my whole life.
i don't "like" the curcumstance sourrounding my life.
i'm not happy with the "hand i've been dealt"
i certainly didn't choose the things going on.
i've always done the right thing, when does that pay off.
this complaining list could go on... i promise.
i thought the lord had just given me a "complaining heart"


sunday morning during church, a friend's testimony of helping others touched my heart.
down inside, where the lord could give the ol' devil a boot.
the lord opened my eyes to a world i didn't seem to see.

i have a beautiful home.
2 very healthy children.
 my husband has a good job.
we are blessed.
beyond measure.
way. beyond. measure.

so i realized i had given myself a "complaining heart"
i had pushed the lord out so i could allow the devil to move in.
i allowed the devil to blind me to all the incredible things that are happening right in front of me.
the simple things, but incredible.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

momma's the word.

this is my momma.

she is:
well, she is my momma. she would lay down her life for me. i hope when emily and coleman grow up they admire me, as much as i do her! happy mothers day to you momma... and all you other moms out there.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

a pickin'

today emily and i went to pick strawberries. we had such a great time. we met a friend there and finished off the perfect play date with lunch at smith's soda shop.
and a pedicure.

*excuse the nose..she has a sinus infection*
 i love spending time with just emily. i always feel like i'm telling her to hold on, or asking her for help. she is such a great big sister. she is such a kind and loving spirit. i am so blessed to be raising such a beautiful little girl, inside and out.

Monday, May 2, 2011

birthday letters.

let me begin by asking everyone to help us pray for all those effected by the terrible storms that hit our sister state, alabama. i couldn't imagine losing my home, much less, my family. i pray that god wraps his almighty, healing, and loving hands around them. they have suffered such great loss.

ok. we have 4 close family members celebrate their birthdays in this great month. i've spent 2 weeks trying to decide how to celebrate them via blog ;)... they all mean so much to our family. so here's what i've come up with! 

little granny, 
we are so lucky you are our granny. you are funny, loving, kind, and the best stain fighter we know. you love us and you don't have to. you are such a blessing. thank you for cooking such great meals. buying awesome birthday/holiday presents. and teaching us the important things we should all know. thanks for being so classy. thanks for being so funny. thanks for always getting stains out of our clothes.. thanks for being so giving. but most of all thanks for loving us, only the way a grandmother can. happy birthday!

we are more than lucky to have you. you are always there when we need you. thanks for being our fix it man, our grill man, fuel man when i run out of gas, helper, friend, shoulder to cry on, voice of reason, check casher, and everything else you don't have to be. hope you had an awesome birthday!
we love you.

uncle ryan,
you are a great uncle. you are so fun and caring. we love how you always read books and play with us. thanks for teaching coleman how to properly climb under a car and wear pink. and teaching emily the importance of being nice to younger siblings and what she should wear when you are around. we hope you had a great birthday and thanks for letting the kids eat your cake with their finger! :)

you can read our tribute to aunt tammy here. we've been leading a pretty boring life and other than a motorcycle purchase we have nothing to really talk about... but i will be back soon with a very cool project.

oh! and i found what i want for christmas today...do any of you have one of these? any helpful buying hints?