Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"lorrrrrrd, i was born a ramblin'..." girl.

i have 5 things to share.

1. i'm going to cave and admit i'm too addicted to pinterest. i have been for weeks. so just to make sure i am up to par... i must blog about it.

2. we are almost finished with our playroom. thank goodness. it's only taken about 3 1/3 years.

3. these are pictures from my phone. what we've been up to.

4. i have a desire to go to the grocery store and spend my whole paycheck on food and make enough food to feed an army with the recipes i've been searching, investigating, and drooling over. but the sad truth is emily needs school clothes and supplies and c needs juice and diapers.

5. c's stitch came out! well technically his daddy cut it out with [clean] finger nailclippers. and he has a cute little scar that i kiss every day.

that's about all.... i'll be back soon [ by soon i mean, i don't really know when] with a few recipes. that i l.o.v.e.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

2nd, 3rd, and 4th of july.

july 2nd:

we slept late. i had lunch with friend from high school. and then we trekked over the mountain to hiawasee to play in lake chatuge and eat some hot dogs.
a few days ago we took coleman to a pool. he didn't like the water. he cried the whole 2 hours. total meltdown. for some reason the lake was very different. he cried for 2 hours because we wouldn't let him put his head in the water. jump off the dock. or just leave him alone.
and, yes that is emily wearing a life jacket and floaties. the girl loves floaties. she may wear them until she is 20. i make it no secret i'm not a big fan of the lake so i insisted she wear a life jacket.
we had so much fun! o. yea. we bought a boat.
july 3rd:

we went to church. enjoyed lunch at steven's grandma's. the whole family goes and we eat together. we are really loud. we give our opinions. we grow closer together. we love it. not to mention, my kids l.o.v.e. it. we then ventured to my moms for more hotgogs dinner. emily rode the motorcycle. she is loves riding and wearing her pink helmet. it makes me pray like a nun. we enjoyed the afternoon outside with good friends, relaxation, funny scenery, sparklers, and great food. we went home and straight to bed because....

july 4th:

we went to the zoo. we had the best time. neither e or c had a meltdown. [write it in a history book] we got there right as they opened. viewed as many animals we could. we ate lunch at wild planet cafe. we had pizza. it. was. incredible. emily's favorite part was the elephant, she got to see it being fed. coleman loved everything. he would always get so excited anytime anything moved. i took c on a train ride. he.loved. it. emily spent 20 minutes jumping her life out. we left shortly after. we were exhausted.
the zoo was incredible. the lay out is perfect for kids. it's very shady. and we had the best time. not too mention it wasn't too overly priced.

we came home and enjoyed hamburgers. ice-cream. and fire works. it was definitely an all american day. i'm so thankful for all those who fight & sacrifice so we can enjoy a day together as a family. hope you enjoyed your holiday.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

let me bring you up to speed...

we've been so busy! i'm going to bring you up to speed before i get into our "4th of july celebrations"...
so here goes:

we've been...
dining with friends
learning how to play with sparklers
playing in pools
vbs-in' like crazy
having late night snacks
camping in the living room
eating tons of: popsicles. watermelon. & canalope

& in other news...
coleman still has the 1 lone stitch. he doesn't even realize it's there. he's too busy putting everything. i mean everything. in the toilet and pulling up all of our vent covers. this boy is all boy, that's for sure. ok well that's all i will be back very soon for our
"4th post".

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

june birthday letters

this month was a little crazy with birthdays. we've had fun celebrating them! so here goes the letters... friend,
thank you for all you do and all that you are! we really wish you could have been home to celebrate with you but after was okay.... you are the best mimi anyone could ask for. always willing to drop everything and play. always willing to put your grand kids are an great example of a mom. you have taught me so much. even though i couldn't always see it you always have my best interest at heart. i hope one day my kids think i'm 1/2 as awesome as you. and lastly thank you for being my best friend. always answering my complining text. always helping me put together awesome parties. always having the missing piece to my problem. i love you mom. you are awesome. we love you and hope we get to celebrate many many more birthday's together.

you are cute. you are funny. you are sweet. you are growing into a beautiful young lady. a great christain example. and i am so proud of you. i hope you look to jesus to lead you. follow him closely and he will always guide you in the right direction. you rock. we love you.

you are so amazing and i'm glad we get to be family. we miss you and hate that we don't live closer. and i'm in love with how much you love my kids! we hope you have a wonderful, fun, family filled, and the best birthday ever. p.s. we love you so so much!

thanks for playing with us so many days a week. you can always make us laugh. we love having you be a part of our family. you are a sweet, caring, funny, kind, and handsome little boy. hope you have a great 3rd birthday! we love you bubba!

sara & bekah,
i couldn't ask for a better friends. god sure knew what he was doing when he put you guys in my life. you are always so honest and loyal. good friends are hard to find and i didn't even have to look for you. you are both wonderful moms and wives. i hope you know how much i look up to you! i hope we have many more years of living close. talking & texting late. laughing. and watching our girls and boys grow together:) love you both! happy birthday.

happy birthday to everyone else! may god bless.