Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"lorrrrrrd, i was born a ramblin'..." girl.

i have 5 things to share.

1. i'm going to cave and admit i'm too addicted to pinterest. i have been for weeks. so just to make sure i am up to par... i must blog about it.

2. we are almost finished with our playroom. thank goodness. it's only taken about 3 1/3 years.

3. these are pictures from my phone. what we've been up to.

4. i have a desire to go to the grocery store and spend my whole paycheck on food and make enough food to feed an army with the recipes i've been searching, investigating, and drooling over. but the sad truth is emily needs school clothes and supplies and c needs juice and diapers.

5. c's stitch came out! well technically his daddy cut it out with [clean] finger nailclippers. and he has a cute little scar that i kiss every day.

that's about all.... i'll be back soon [ by soon i mean, i don't really know when] with a few recipes. that i l.o.v.e.

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