Friday, August 12, 2011

a haircut and a bee sting.

it's pretty simple. coleman got his first haircut today. he had these "wings" coming out behind his ears.

 and all though he is the custest little boy. ever. that had to go. so at 17 months & 11 days old coleman..."got the wings clipped" ha. get it.. okay here are the adorable pictures.

the first snip

here he is after his first haircut. so adorable! i could just squeeze him.

e also needed at cut so she tagged along. [as did papoo for back up.] she no longer has a mullet. thank god. i had planned to take a picture of the new cut, but as we left a wasp came out of no where and got emily right on the finger. she handled it like a pro. i quickly gave her benadryl, and a band aid. she is re cooperating at her mimi and papoo's. so alls well that ends well. i will make sure to get a picture of her hair soon, because it's so stinkin' cute too. she is getting to be such a big girl.

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