Thursday, August 11, 2011

out of town.

we went out of town 2 weekends ago. my in laws have a piece of heaven a few counties away, and we are so blessed to be able to visit.

 it's very hot there. and they have only 4 "restaurants". the houses are beautiful. my kids love it here and it's a beautiful and so peaceful. check it out!

i want to sit on these porches and talk to my friends. i want my kids to play in these yards. i would love to cook a meal in, what i imagine to be, huge kitchens.

we. love. it here. our kids really love it here. we had the best time! we played outside. we rode all things of the four-wheeled variety. we ate at 3 of the 4 restaurants in the town. ha! we usually visit the local thrift store, but they were closed. so we went to a yard sale.[gymboree for 50cent. can you say score!] we basically just soaked up all the time we could with our kids. they are growing up too fast. they are so precious and i hope we can spend many more weekends there. playing. laughing. and just enjoying time together.

alright, i have to run. this pile here....

is awaiting it's rightful place on ebay. later.

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