Thursday, September 1, 2011

18 months

today the cutest, sweetest, most adorable, little boy i know turned 18 months old. he is so funny and i couldn't love him more. he tests me. he tries me. he loves me. he doesn't listen to me. he plays hide and seek like a pro. he laughs the sweetest laugh.

current nickname: dirty bird.

he loves: daddy, mommy, emily, trucks, books, baths climbing. [he climbs up/on everything.] fish, dirt, water, playing in cars, and playing outside.

he dislikes: swinging. being told "no!"
that's pretty much it. he's loves doing almost everything.

favorite foods: hotdogs, bologna, carrots, peas, strawberries, blueberries, bread, bananas, bacon, hash browns, pizza, cheetos, muffins[any kind], chicken nuggets, fries, cheese, and pancakes.

unfavorite foods; green beans, apples[we liked these a few days ago but recently we have a "chew up and spit out" relationship.], eggs, and oatmeal.

funny things coleman can do: he repeats most actions: surprised face, emily's screaming, ect.
jumping [this includes the off the couch!]
he is now a professional at turning flips.
throwing his own diaper in the garbage and saying "shhhhh!"
making car noises.
he is slowly learning cause/effect.
"hot!" a favorite word.
dancing has become a way to try to avoid discipline. i guess because it always makes mommy laugh.:)

c went to the dr. today. he is skinny and tall [19 lbs- 33.5 inches tall]
we are scheduling an audiologist appt.
he escaped a shot by 24 hours. lucky ducky!
he has allergies. duh.
and the pedi refered to him as "cute"
 [i couldn't agree more.]

happy 1 1/2 year birthday baby boy. 

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