Tuesday, September 6, 2011

august birthdays.

dear grandma:
we love you so much. you are so much fun. and we love getting fruit from you! no really.. we love that you bring us fruit every time you visit. thank you for loving us so much. you are so funny and kind. thanks for helping keep the kids, pick weeds, and listening when we complain. you are more than a cool grandma, you are a friend. we love you and hope you had a wonderful and blessed birthday. and.. next year, i promise to put more brown sugar on the pineapple upside down cake.

dear john,
you are so sweet. you are so funny. and we are glad you are our friend. hope you had a wonderful birthday. and we can't wait to play again. very soon! p.s. i'm glad emily picked you for a "first boyfriend" haha.

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