Wednesday, August 31, 2011

i say it over and over...

but it's so true. these two are growing up way too fast! i mean, i am home with them everyday so to me some days draaaag along. and others i'm like, is it really time to cook dinner? geez! so i've decided i am going to take a picture of these sweet & sour minis once a month and "update" what they like, hate, are doing, etc. i know super boring but i want to be able to look back and say o! yea! remember... and actually remember. plus when i make their "year book" each year it will be a quick reminder. i hope.
so when you see this sort of "update" you now will know why it's here. ha!

before i go...

[warning] i'm about to explode this blog with posts. we will be having a very busy & exciting week ahead. we are going to the beach, starting prek, turning 18 months, and i will be catching up on the past 2/3 weeks. be back soon. :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

a haircut and a bee sting.

it's pretty simple. coleman got his first haircut today. he had these "wings" coming out behind his ears.

 and all though he is the custest little boy. ever. that had to go. so at 17 months & 11 days old coleman..."got the wings clipped" ha. get it.. okay here are the adorable pictures.

the first snip

here he is after his first haircut. so adorable! i could just squeeze him.

e also needed at cut so she tagged along. [as did papoo for back up.] she no longer has a mullet. thank god. i had planned to take a picture of the new cut, but as we left a wasp came out of no where and got emily right on the finger. she handled it like a pro. i quickly gave her benadryl, and a band aid. she is re cooperating at her mimi and papoo's. so alls well that ends well. i will make sure to get a picture of her hair soon, because it's so stinkin' cute too. she is getting to be such a big girl.

recipes...just like i promised.

i have two rules when it comes to cooking.
2. good
let me say... i don't mind to cook. i love to cook. but, most nights i two very cute, loving, precious minis at my feet. they argue, cry, hit, cry some more, and climb up the stove. so easy meals are my best friend. ha! when i came across these two recipes i couldn't wait to try them. we aren't typically a "boxed meal" family. which makes my first rule hard sometimes. but whenever i can find a short cut...i'm all about it.

chicken and broccoli fried rice

any * means i changed the recipe.
 the recipe is on the back of the box. but in case you are just wondering.
1. in a large skillet, saute rice-vermicelli mix with 2 tbsp. *butter until brown.
2. slowly stir in 1 3/4 cups of water, special seasoning, 1lb. uncooked, chopped chicken breast, and *broccoli. bring to a boil.
3.cover, reduce heat to low/simmer for 15-20 minutes.
*4. add stir fry sauce. i use this:

5. eat, it's delicious!

turkey and cheese sliders

you can find a similar recipe here. it's where i got the idea. ;)
1. slice white dollar rolls in half.
2. on the roll add: mayo, turkey, and 1/2 a piece of white american cheese.
close roll
3. in a bowl mix some mustard, some Worcestershire sauce, some melted butter,and some minced garlic. [i say "some" because that's literally what i did. just threw some together.]
4. pour over the roll and allow to sit for 5-10 minutes while the oven preheats to 350 degrees.
5. cover with tin foil and place in the oven for about 15 minutes.
6. after 15 minutes remove tin foil and broil until golden brown.
7. enjoy!

we dipped ours in ranch. they were delicious! hope y'all enjoy these. i'm planning a few new recipes this weekend. i'll keep you posted.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

out of town.

we went out of town 2 weekends ago. my in laws have a piece of heaven a few counties away, and we are so blessed to be able to visit.

 it's very hot there. and they have only 4 "restaurants". the houses are beautiful. my kids love it here and it's a beautiful and so peaceful. check it out!

i want to sit on these porches and talk to my friends. i want my kids to play in these yards. i would love to cook a meal in, what i imagine to be, huge kitchens.

we. love. it here. our kids really love it here. we had the best time! we played outside. we rode all things of the four-wheeled variety. we ate at 3 of the 4 restaurants in the town. ha! we usually visit the local thrift store, but they were closed. so we went to a yard sale.[gymboree for 50cent. can you say score!] we basically just soaked up all the time we could with our kids. they are growing up too fast. they are so precious and i hope we can spend many more weekends there. playing. laughing. and just enjoying time together.

alright, i have to run. this pile here....

is awaiting it's rightful place on ebay. later.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

little farmers.

steven's "grandma" lives on a farm... well, kinda. they actually sell produce and just have cows, chickens, dogs, and a rat. but it really is farm like there. tractors, animals, the coolest old house ever, dirt roads, and fields. lots and lots of fields. so with that said c and e had the grandest time being little farmers.
first we went to the chicken coop.


"we got one golden egg!"

second we fed the cows.

they are all pregnant and due in september. but very well tempered.

third we tried out the tractor. c would eat, sleep, live, breathe a tractor.
[or anything with wheels really.]

lastly we enjoyed a small breeze on the front porch, on an old swing. and maybe for a second all was right with the world. :) or so it seemed.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


dear lord,
thank you for these two precious minis... thank you that they are healthy, beautiful, crazy, funny, precious, and mine.  i couldn't have asked for anything more...  i love them!  even with the: toilet obsessing, all night "talking", watching out for one another, silly noises, laughing too hard, arguing, stealing toys, teaching, "no-no" yelling, loving, growing, and  blessings we receive together.... they are so perfect in every way. thank you for trusting me with them thank you for your grace. i really couldn't ask for anything more. i love them. more. than. life.


i fail.

we are so crazy doing 8.5 billion things around here. i haven't had the chance to make these promised recipes. don't think i haven't dreamed about it though. no literally, last night i dreamed i cooked for an army.
we have been finishing our playroom. well my parents are. we [steven and i] aren't very "building inclined" so my awesome parents, who are, have graciously given their time to finish it. you can check out todd's awesome skills here.  i hope to have everything to a proper place soon[and posted pictures of it]. my living room will thank me.
i also spent the past week "fall cleaning". i call it "fall" because we are getting ready for the fall consignment sales so every july i clean everything. closets, rooms, the basement. everywhere.
 [i also have a "spring cleaning" in january.]
i can't believe how much stuff gathers in just a few months. 4 trash bags and a room. full. in the basement. we are going to have a yard sale. and then sell the remainder in the consignment sales.

i'm sure all this information is so interesting. right? so i will skip to the cute minis and all the fun things they have been up to. the list goes:
water parking
magic show & juggler watching
riding horses at walt and sara's
going to gymnastics camp with the besties
playing at the park
playing with friends
and getting ready to start school
and much more.

while emily has been busy [she has her own calendar] i have enjoyed spending time with c. he is growing so fast and learns at lightning speed! i just can't get enough of him.

i promise i will cook good food and document it. soon.